Tuesday, August 17, 2010

broadband, schmroadband...

So I haven't posted anything here at all for a while, I've been too busy kayaking and stuff. Also, I don't have internet at home and sometimes work makes me actually, like, you know, work and stuff.....whatever.

Anyhoo, here's a quick contribution, a fantastic article from Malcom Turnbull while the National Broadband Network is a gigantic steaming pile of dog poo, that will cost $4000 per person. That's great, I get cheap fast internet and then pay for it with taxes. Woo!

Personally, I think that governments are like the slow kid at school who has to get their shoelaces tied by the teacher because they can't be bothered learning it themselves, someone else can do it. Therefore, the government shouldn't be setting itself up in an internet monopoly!

Enjoy the article, plus another short one here.

Dr Harry

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I am the Hiphopopotumus, my lyrics are bottomless......