Wednesday, September 29, 2010

And that's all I have to say about that...

Are Men Better Than Women? You decide. This blog is some funny shit, especially if you realise it's quite tongue in cheek. Also, the woman in this clip is funny.

Can I hear a "Child Support?"

Child Support!

Can I hear a "Child Support?"

Child Support!

This gentleman here has apparently fathered 15 kids with 14 different mothers. As the journalist say, talk about heading forward to the past.

Apparently dna records indicate (I don't quite know how) that in prehistoric times, only 40% of men and 80% of women were able to reproduce. This guy is the new caveman. As an aside, I've heard a very similar story from the seaside resort that is East Devonport. Apparently there used to be this one guy there that all the single mothers were desperate to have a kid with, even though he was patently incapable of looking after or supporting any of them, on account of the fact that he had several kids already and no job!

Anyway, the human race is going to hell in a handbasket. Just watch the documentary Idiocracy for proof. Instead of thinking about that, look at the clip above, it's pretty cool and looks real, but who can tell.

More sport.

The AFL Grand Final was a draw and so has been delayed a week. Lots of people have their knickers in a twist about this. Why? It's a Grand Final...... and it's a draw! Talk about the best game of the year. Of course, I only saw the last 5 minutes as I was kayaking and then heard the second half on the radio in my car, but still, talk about a tense game. I'm rather glad I wasn't a supporter of either team.

I think the replay is great. It's historical and that's a good enough reason for me, if no other. On the same basis I'm totally opposed to away strips. If people can't work out if the Kangaroos or the Pies have got the ball, who cares? They managed find for decades and decades, they would have continued to be ok.

Plus, there's an added bonus. You know that the team that wins this week really is the best team. They've mentally and physically recovered from an epic match, dragged themselves to the top of the hill and done battle once again. Talk about a challenge! That's why this game on Saturday is already great, before we even know the outcome.

And lastly, Essendon's favourite son has come home to bring the club back to the promised land. If he can get Bomber Thompson to help him out than things will be perfect. Either way, the only way from here is up for Essendon, things are looking good.

And that'll do for now.


Dr Harry

Monday, September 27, 2010


So Jimmy (the Probe) has a new headcam, which we tried out on the Lea on the weekend. I've put the footage together and banged it on Youtube. If you're coming for the race and don't know the lines, here's an opportunity to get studying!

Had a pretty perfect level as well, just a pity about the water drops on the lens.



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I am the Hiphopopotumus, my lyrics are bottomless......