Tuesday, July 7, 2009

There´s something weird in the fridge today, don´t know what it is...

something I can´t recognise.....

Maybe I´m a bad person, but I feel absolutely nothing in relation to the death of Michael Jackson. Maybe a slight annoyance at the excessive and gratuitous coverage, but since I´m in a foreign country and without a TV or enough Spanish to read a newspaper, that´s not really a big deal. Probably my biggest exposure has been nightclubs playing lots of Michael Jackson songs and that´s probably a good thing anyway.

Now I like Jackson´s music, especially if I´m out somewhere. I´ve never really cared for the man himself and like most people have been horrified by his various antics over the years.

However, I really feel neither happiness nor sadness, elation or despair, or anything else for that matter, at news of his passing. I really couldn´t care less.

I just read the following article about the death of John F Kennedy junior showing the similarities between the two situations. I highly recommend it, I laughed out loud as I read it.

Click here, go on, do yourself a favour.



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