Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fatty, fatty boombah....

So guess what?

Apparently exercise alone isn't enough to help you lose weight. You need to change your diet as well. A very interesting article here has facts and stuff. Apparently if you exercise you actually eat more to make up for it. Plus people don't really understand how many calories they're eating.

I have only anecdotal evidence, but I concur.

Basically, in my own experience and based on my reading, if you want to lose weight you need to modify your diet. How?

Firstly, eat less.

Secondly, transfer your eating so that you're eating more in the morning and less at night, and nothing late at night.

Thirdly, get rid of all the processed crap. The more heavily processed your food is, the easier it is for your body to absorb it and the less complex nutrients (that nobody really understands) remain. If you're eating lots of whole grains and similar things your body has to work much harder to unlock the nutrients from your food.

So there you go, Dr Harry's quick guide to weight loss. You can eat meat and eggs and chips and all the fatty crap you want, as long as you follow the above three steps. There is of course much more to it, but it's a pretty good start.



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