Friday, December 11, 2009

I fought Jude Law and Jude Law won...

You know, it's a pretty good gig being involved with "climate change". You can tell people to change their ways and live an earth friendly lifestyle, but you're allowed to fly around the world spewing carbon (and other things) into the atmosphere everywhere you go. This is because your message is so important that it justifies doing some of the "bad things" to spread it.

This is very machiavellian really, announcing that the ends justify the means (part of the reason I don't believe in anthroprogenic global warming).

Anyway, amongst the perks of international travel and first class accommodation, attendees at Hopenchangen now get free sex from prostitutes. Talk about a great metaphor for those people pushing the global warming bandwagon. Except of course in this case it's the prostitutes offering the free sex, not the hopeychangeys demanding it as some inalienable right associated with their saving the planet.

Dr Harry

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