Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sarah Conner?

What is the world going to be like in 4 years time? What will the post Obama landscape look like?

Read this article for one possible scenario advising the Republican party in how to rebuild.

Best paragraph:

So as you hear from different pundits on what the Republicans need to do to regain power, remember that the key is that any workable idea must start with a realistic look at what challenges lie before us. That means it must account for radiation, killing each other over food and gasoline, flesh-eating mutants, ape-men, and deadly robots. It’s a hard reality to face, but it can be a good time for Republican gains if we’re prepared and properly armed. And if the ape-men and robots join forces, causing us to face cybernetic monkey-men, then let’s just say we better have found the next Reagan by then or we’re all done for.



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