Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tasmanian state election...

Tonight I saw an ad on TV for Rebecca White, one of the Labor candidates in the seat of Lyons for the upcoming state election.

This ad featured lots of language about a "fresh start", "making a change", "someone you can trust" and all the usual stuff. I can't really remember specifics unfortunately.

For me, the really compelling thing was that the language was phrased in such a way to imply that Rebecca White, if elected, would be going to Hobart to make changes and run a clean broom through the place. It was a perfect ad, for a Liberal candidate.

I didn't even know which party she was part of until the very end of the ad, when a small Labor logo and the authorisation bit came up.

Why is this important? Because the Labor government is screwed and Labor know this. She's running as a change candidate because she knows trying to get elected as a Government candidate will simply lead to failure. It's quite noticeable when driving around Braddon just how many Liberal posters and bill boards are up. They are out in significant numbers and often significant sizes as well. The only Labor advertising I've seen has been from Helen Richardson, who has three full size billboards between Burnie and Latrobe. Apparently her campaign is fully funded by the union that she runs so maybe she can afford to do that. The other Labor candidates aren't advertising because they don't think there's any point. Why waste money on a lost cause?

Actually, I have seen one other piece of Labor advertising. Bryan Green had a poster on the back of one of the Metro buses in Burnie. In a moment of supreme and perfect irony, I saw this bus with a big yellow poster plastered on the back which said something along the lines of "beginner driver under instruction" or something similar, right next to Bryan Green's photo!

I got a photo on my phone, but unfortunately I was too far away and you can't actually see anything :(

So the point of this post?

Labor are screwed. Liberals are aiming for majority Government. Most likely result; hung Parliament with Labor returned as a minority Government. How to avoid this? Get the Liberals and Greens to gang up in a vote of no-confidence in the Government, required the Governor to ask another party to form Government. Either way, it's interesting times ahead!




Angus said...

Also, she is really pretty.

DrHarry said...

and have you heard about "polly waffle"?

She was interviewed about it and was asked if she was just having a go at Polley and Llewellyn, to which she replied;

"no, and Hidding as well"


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