Wednesday, April 28, 2010

nothing says sedition like citing the U.S. Constitution and quoting Thomas Jefferson....

Mark Steyn, one of my favourite writers, has a great column here about the left in the US and their attitudes towards freedom of speech.

When someone is opposed to say, health care or government spending than they're pilloried, both by the members of Congress and also by the media. When an islamic organisation makes a death threat against the South Park guys Comedy Central responds by censoring their work.

Mark Steyn: Tea Party the new front in 'war on terror'

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It's a great article, probably my favourite line is this:

Everybody knows that when you say "I'm becoming very concerned about unsustainable levels of federal spending" that that's old Jim Crow code for "Let's get up a lynching party and teach that uppity negro a lesson."


Dr Harry

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