Thursday, May 6, 2010

the poison pen...

Catherine Deveney, sometime columnist for Melbourne's Age newspaper, has been given the sack, after some rather tasteless and offensive (to some) tweeting at the Logies on the weekend.

Details can be found here and here.

Now I don't read her columns regularly, although I have come across them. I've also seen her on TV and certainly heard a lot about her.

The woman seems to court controversy. More importantly, she seems to be full of hate and anger, willing to use any means necessary to vilify, abuse and demonise those with whom she doesn't agree. Plus, she's not actually funny, or insightful, which is not great when you're a "comedian" commenting on society and culture.

Good riddance, I say.

And no, it's not actually censorship. If she was forbidden from putting her point of view across in the media or over the internet than that would be censorship. Instead, it's more likely the Age have taken the opportunity to cut their losses and get rid of someone who's had multiple warnings and quite frankly isn't much chop.
Dr Harry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

try reading her columns. some of them are really, totally funny. and clever. just try these two, without judging first, ok?

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