Friday, May 28, 2010

who wears spandex and pajamas to work anyway?

Apparently a school in New Hampshire is having problems with the clothing worn to work and instituted a dress code. For the teachers!

Amongst the banned items of clothing are tank tops, shorts (that seems a bit unfair), spandex, sheer clothing and pajamas!

Now I can see how you wouldn't this guy at your workplace.

But surely this would be ok?

Although I can see how this might be going a bit too far.

In unrelated news, here's a cool link for Michael, all about the web design process.

And lastly, I've been reading a very funny blog, It's actually pretty retarded but I laughed out loud a few times. Quite a few times. Check it out.
That is all.
Harry out

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fo schnitzel my pretzel...

I know that everyone on the internet has already been pushing this video, I did myself few weeks ago on Facebook.

However, it's too good not to share here, so check out "Island State of Mind".

And if you thought that was good, wait until you see Rashman. It's healps good and stuff!

Check it out...


Dr Harry

graphs are useful...

That is all...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Give a big hand for....


Yes finally, Dr Harry's much anticipated entry in the international "Everybody Draws Mohammed Day" is here. The only disappointment is that it's too late to win a prize.

Still, at least it's out there, unlike certain other cowardly bloggers.

And why draw Mohammed, when such a thing is obviously offensive? Because by making threats of violence if such images are published, Muslims make a terrible attack against free speech. Threats of violence aren't acceptable and force those who defend free speech to publish, not because they want to offend anyone, but because they would be craven not too. I'm doing it just to spread the load around, so to speak.

Check the links, they're good.


Dr Harry

Monday, May 17, 2010

Move along people...

I'm a massive fan of Mark Steyn's writing. He's funny and acerbic while still getting his point across. His gross generalisations have to be the best in the business.

How about this line about female genital mutilation?

A few years back, I thought even fainthearted Western liberals might draw the line at “FGM.” After all, it’s a key pillar of institutional misogyny in Islam: Its entire purpose is to deny women sexual pleasure. True, many of us hapless Western men find we deny women sexual pleasure without even trying, but we don’t demand genital mutilation to guarantee it. On such slender distinctions does civilization rest.

The rest of the article can be found here. It's worth a read, even if you disagree with him.

And what happens if Islam does take over? Well for a start, you don't get to look at pictures of attractive women. Here's some examples of what you wouldn't be able to see...

or even
Apparently Cheryl Cole is a host of X-Factor in Britain. I had no idea, I'd just seen her photo in English newspapers!
One last thing. I remembered reading this and thought I should include it. It is an absolutely hilarious satire about trying to solve the mystery of the recent attempted bombing in New York. I can recommend it highly enough.
Dr Harry

Thursday, May 6, 2010

the poison pen...

Catherine Deveney, sometime columnist for Melbourne's Age newspaper, has been given the sack, after some rather tasteless and offensive (to some) tweeting at the Logies on the weekend.

Details can be found here and here.

Now I don't read her columns regularly, although I have come across them. I've also seen her on TV and certainly heard a lot about her.

The woman seems to court controversy. More importantly, she seems to be full of hate and anger, willing to use any means necessary to vilify, abuse and demonise those with whom she doesn't agree. Plus, she's not actually funny, or insightful, which is not great when you're a "comedian" commenting on society and culture.

Good riddance, I say.

And no, it's not actually censorship. If she was forbidden from putting her point of view across in the media or over the internet than that would be censorship. Instead, it's more likely the Age have taken the opportunity to cut their losses and get rid of someone who's had multiple warnings and quite frankly isn't much chop.
Dr Harry

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I am the Hiphopopotumus, my lyrics are bottomless......