Saturday, January 10, 2009


As everyone knows, Angus (the A is for Awesome, his name is actually Ngus) blogs a damn good read, when he manages to stop droning on about gangsta rappers and cheesy pop.

Anyway, I highly recommend his site and I highly recommend this post here about the situation in Gaza right now.

I completely agree so I really don't have much to say on the matter, however I will say this. Gaza was once Egyptian territory. Gaza shares a land boundary with Egypt. The people of Gaza didn't vote for an administration that has as it's principal policy aim the destruction of the state of Egypt and the death of all Egyptians, preferably by "driving them into the sea".

We all know that Gaza shares a land barrier with Egypt because we regularly get told about how bad Israel is for attacking the tunnels that have been built to enable arms smuggling from Egypt through to the Gaza strip.

So tell me this. Why is Israel internationally vilified for imposing a blockade on Gaza when Egypt is in a position to provide everything that Israel currently doesn't? Egypt also provides a blockade but nobody says anything about that.

Israel doesn't occupy the Gaza strip any longer, therefore they have no responsibilities towards it. If they want to close off their border than that is their business. Lets spread the vituperation around folks, Israel is the good guy, deal with it.



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