Sunday, January 18, 2009

more taking responsibility

In my last post I spoke about the need to take responsibility for your actions, especially when it comes to changing the law.

You could also look at this from a political viewpoint as well.

Suppose the citizens of Clarendonvale elected to government a party that had as it's stated aims the complete destruction of the city of Hobart, including the death of all it's residents and the assimilation of it's land area into a state that incorporated bogans and housing commission residents from all over Tasmania, no matter where they lived. This would include areas that the bogans had resided in years before but hadn't called home for a long time, potentially even two or three generations.

Suppose the new government of Clarendonvale (let us call the party Bacon-us) than started attacking the people of Hobart. They might start with suicide drivers, VK commodores with one door the wrong colour, with 10 passengers and a drunk driver travelling the streets at high speed, doing burnouts and looking for a way to cause the most mayhem.

Than, once Bacon-us got more sophisticated they might start erecting giant catapaults and firing them into the city, using the trash accreted on the front yards of their resident's houses as ammunition.

Do you imagine after a little bit of this the people of Hobart might be a bit over it? Do you imagine that the police might come round and arrest a few people, bust a few heads and break a few catapaults? And than, because this always happens, the people of Clarendonvale would complain about how they're being victimised by police and it's not their fault they have no money and there's nothing for their kids to do because there's no jobs and they don't have a skate park.

The people of Gaza voted for a political party than has as it's principle aim the destruction of the state of Israel, the death of all the world's Jews and the consolidation of Israel's territory into a greater Islamic entity, a new Caliphate.

They backed this up by launching attacks designed to kill Jews and weaken the state of Israel.

Now they're not happy because the party they voted for is doing what they said they would and Israel has responded? Admittedly, Hamas did get elected on a platform of getting rid of corruption and improving welfare, but always with the over-riding policy of killing Jews, wherever they might be found.

Take responsibility for your actions. You voted for the Jew killing, now that the Jews are coming around trying to stop it get out there and fight them instead of running away like a little bitch.

It doesn't take a genius to work out that this was going to happen eventually.

It's very easy to have the courage to vote for the Jew killing, but when it comes down to it, unless you're going to back up your words with actions than your opinion has less validity.

And when it comes to that, you have to respect Hamas. They might be a bunch of murderous fanatics, but at least they say what they think. They're not saying one thing and doing another, or saying one thing in Arabic and another in English, like most of the Arab states. They know what they want and they say it loud and proud.

Like them? No. Agree with them? Never. Respect them? Yes, I respect them, albeit grudgingly.



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