Tuesday, March 24, 2009

he likes it wet and sticky...

If you click here you´ll be linked to a video from Oregonkayaking.net, in my opinion just about the best kayaking site on the interweb.

While it´s a long video and not particularly exciting, check out what happens at the 10minute mark. A gentleman in a creekboat gets surfed in a hole for 2 minutes (!!!), while looking as if he really doesn´t want to be there.

While I´m no playboating expert, I think I can provide a few ideas for the next time he finds himself in such a situation.

1) Maybe try and do something fun. It looked like a pretty nice surf spot. Maybe do an upstream pry and try and drag the nose around so you´re surfing upstream. Maybe that way you could actually pull yourself to the shoulder?

2) Don´t lean back so much. You have much less control, especially with your hips, when you lean back.

3) Try and keep your hands a bit lower. Obviously in that situation it´s a little bit difficult, but so´s trying to roll with a dislocated shoulder.

4) Following on from number 1. If you don´t want to do something fun, but want to get out, try and stick the end of the boat into the water. An ender of some kind would more than likely have caught green water and gotten you out.

5) Following on from number 4. Do you notice the instant he went upside down he came out of the hole? That was obviously a big, deep river with lots of flow. Lots of green water around. Going upside down is a way for your big, fat, stupid head to grab some of that and get you out of there.

Like I said, I´m not an expert. I hate holes. I´m a massive pussy when it comes to stoppers, hydraulics, pour-overs, anything like that. I won´t even surf a wave if it´s breaking! But even I could have got myself out of that one a bit earlier.



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