Thursday, March 5, 2009

King of the Andes...

I am writing this from an internet cafe in downtown Quito, capitol of Ecuador (where broadband at a cafe averages 80c to $1 per hour). I got in last night after close to 30 hours of travelling (and nearly 23 hours in planes) from Sydney.

First impressions. The weather is really good, we´re up at altitude but it hasn´t effected me too much. It´s quite sunny but not too hot, especially considering we´re sitting on the equator. (Equator - Ecuador, not it´s not a coincidence).

The people are quite friendly, even though not a huge amount of them speak English. Bit of a mix ethnically, from light to dark, but lots and lots of indian heritage quite obvious and most people have dark hair and dark eyes.

Things are cheap, but not consistently so, I`ll have to be careful in Quito that I don´t spend too much money.

The area where I´m staying (the Mariscal) is very touristy and apparently has a very bad rep for crime and violence (according to the Lonely Planet). However, walking around last night there were private security guards and cops everywhere. I saw dozens in a couple of blocks. This morning there were some proper cops hanging around, armed with assault rifles and pump action shotguns! No messing around for those dudes obviously. From what I´ve been told it´s quite safe now, due to a massive crack down (obviously all those cops and security guards), so that´s a bit of a relief.

This is a proper city, with high rise buildings and the like, lots and lots of people in suits. People obviously take care in their appearance.

Anyway, going to the pub tonight to attend a quiz night and hang out with some other travellers. Hopefully onto Tena tomorrow and kayaking! Got a line on a couple of boats, so I´ll need to buy something soon.

Basically, Quito seems really nice, will definitely come back and do some touristing.



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