Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Do you know who I am?

I don´t know about you, but I am blessed with 20/20 hindsight. I can always see what could have been done better, after the fact of course.

However, just so there can be no doubt, let me put a few personal views out there.

1) Global Warming is a crock (I´ll let you decide what of) - maybe the earth is warming, maybe it isn´t, but I am extremely sceptical that atmospheric carbon dioxide (or if you prefer - carbon pollution) is the problem

2) Iraq was the right war to fight, we were justified in doing so and the only difference is that Australia should have done more. We should also be doing a lot more in Afghanistan.
3) The response to the global financial crisis, especially in the US and Australia, is stupid and irresponsible. We are rewarding people who fucked up by letting them continue to do the things they did before, giving them lots of government money and creating lots of debt for my and younger generations to pay off.

4) Kevin Rudd is a terrible Prime Minister, right up there with Gough and Malcom Fraser. Let me clarify. A TERRIBLE Prime Minister.

5) Obama is no great shakes as President, in fact he might even be a terrible President. He´s certainly no where near as good as George Bush (for all his failings). Trying to recreate a European welfare state in the US, after such a policy has obviously failed miserably and continues to fail in Europe seems to me to be nothing short of ideologically blinded stupidity.

And, if you´re still reading, here´s a link to a fantastic article in the Australian today, explaining in much clearer terms than I can manage why huge deficits and overspending are the wrong responses to the current financial problems.



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I am the Hiphopopotumus, my lyrics are bottomless......