Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh the horror

For all those planning a holiday to a tropical paradise, I´m not sure I could recommend Cuba. After all, journalists keep on telling us that Guantanamo Bay is a hell on earth, with searing temperatures that would fry the toughest peace loving Islamic aid worker who was mistakenly arrested while innocently trying to help his fellow man.

The Democratic Party apparently agree, with news that they´re planning not to resume funding for the detention centre at Guantanamo Bay.

Now while it has been suggested (by fools and the criminally insane) that all the detainees should simply be sent home, there are problems with such a plan. One is recidivism. A high percentage of detainees released earlier have been recaptured in combat or in other actions associated with terrorism.

The second is home itself. Most countries don´t actually want these nut jobs back and will refuse to take them!

I have a solution, why doesn´t Australia take them? We could build a camp in the middle of the Woomera range (the middle, not the edge) and put them all to hard labour. In fact they could build the camp themselves. And good luck trying to run away when it´s hundreds of kilometres of nothingness all around.

We won´t have to worry about journalists either. The only reason they bang on about Gitmo is because of the mojitos they´re drinking in the bar while writing up their fevered imaginings of what goes on there.

As an added bonus, such a plan could be used for all of Australia´s high security prisoners as well. They wouldn´t have time to stab each other in the showers when they´re doing 12 hours per day of manual labour in the middle of desert. They probably wouldn´t get showers anyway, not much water out there!


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