Sunday, May 31, 2009

you're crazier than a coconut

On Friday night, in the town square in Vilcabamba, I hung out with some girls who turned out to be totally, certifiably, insane.

Not insane in a boil your bunny kind of way mind.

One of them was from California, a lovely and charming person who was very easy to talk to. However, some of the beliefs that she enunciated were as follows:

  • We're currently in Biblical "end times" as evidenced by people moving into the wilderness
  • The world is going to end (she wasn't exactly specific on what would happen) in 2012 because that's when the mayan calender runs out and those old Mayans obviously knew more than we do
  • If you want something badly enough you just have to believe and it will come to you (a la the secret), whether that's money or anything else
  • The United States is run by a fascist regime who are going to declare martial law at any minute
  • Russia is not actually run by corrupt, autocratic ex KGB agents. Instead, Russia is controlled by it's people, who have wisdom and spirituality and Russia is the centre of the saving of the world (didn't quite get this one, but it's all based upon the Anastascia books apparently, don't know what they are)

The other girl talked about

  • her healing hands and how if you believe your body can heal itself (I'm not quite sure how my body will grow back the snapped tendon in my knee, but it sounds nice)
  • how the earth has power, including every tree and leaf
  • how we need to support the earth and help it heal itself (the ideal way to do this is to have a little ceremony where everyone holds hands and tries to help the earth heal)
  • how Vilcabamba is this amazing, energised place and she is so excited to be here and the earth's spiritual forces are so strong here (Vilcabamba is supposedly the site of extremely long lived individuals, however it's nothing special, surrounded by hills that are pretty but deforested with some erosion and full of little shops selling soft drink and packaged foods)
So anyway, I hung out with them for quite a while, it was an extremely educational experience. I bit my tongue for the most part, rather than share my opinions of their opinions! I have to say, of all the cranks and crazies I've met,these two girls were quite up there in terms of their self deluded world beliefs.

Now I might have opinions that many people disagree with, but I should imagine they can see how I arrive at those opinions. They disagree with my analysis, not my basic information. These two had opinions that were so crazy that it was impossible to debate adequately.



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