Friday, May 21, 2010

Give a big hand for....


Yes finally, Dr Harry's much anticipated entry in the international "Everybody Draws Mohammed Day" is here. The only disappointment is that it's too late to win a prize.

Still, at least it's out there, unlike certain other cowardly bloggers.

And why draw Mohammed, when such a thing is obviously offensive? Because by making threats of violence if such images are published, Muslims make a terrible attack against free speech. Threats of violence aren't acceptable and force those who defend free speech to publish, not because they want to offend anyone, but because they would be craven not too. I'm doing it just to spread the load around, so to speak.

Check the links, they're good.


Dr Harry

1 comment:

Michael. said...

People who that being anti-Islamic is being racist, well, they are stupid and wrong. Sure, for many, ignorant, people, there is a connection between "brown people" and Islam. However, that doesn't mean that all people who oppose Islam are racist. Of course, if a person merely opposes Islam, without also opposing other religions (Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc.), they might well be irrationally prejudiced. Just like a racist. Anyway ...

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