Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I am the grinch...

It's kind of funny. There's all this fanfare and intense interest in the inauguration of the new US President. Millions go along to participate. All those interviewed gush about how historic and wonderful and amazing it is.

And me? I am profoundly underwhelmed. In fact that is almost rating my interest too highly. I feel ambivalence, even apathy.

Yes, Obama talks purty, he gives a good speech and he's articulate. But he has done nothing in his life on which we can judge him. Therefore for me, all this hullabaloo means less than nothing, because it recognises nothing.

Once he has achieved something and I hope that he does, than I'll be happy to recognise his achievements.

For all those who gush about how unbelievable this is, I just don't see it. 12 and 8 years ago Colin Powell was a serious consideration for President and chose not to run for personal reasons. For me, the election of Barak Obama is not change, but simply recognition of change that has already occurred (I've stolen that from someone, I'm not sure who).

I think it would be much more impressive (and vastly more unlikely) for France, or Sweden or Germany to elect a President of colour. All of those countries have signicant populations of immigrants but that never seems to come up when people fawn over how wonderful the EU is.

Anyway, I'm going back to being hopeful but underwhelmed.

Harry out

1 comment:

David said...

underwhelmed is like your fave word bro :P

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