Sunday, December 7, 2008

British Muslims Fear Repercussions Over Tomorrow's Train Bombing

As luck may have it, I'm currently reading a novel that features, along the way, aspects of the massive changes that occurred in India after it was split in twain, into what is now Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.

Now as I'm sure everyone knows, there was a massive movement of people both ways after partition, and a massive loss of life as Hindus murdered Muslims bound for Pakistan and vice versa. There were riots in the street, mobs going around killing innocents and lots of people generally had a bad time.

However, to imply that India is bigoted against Muslims is too much of a simplification, since the Indians are pretty much bigoted against everyone, including most of their own people. The Sikhs, the Tamils, the Muslims; all the ethnic groups in India have gotten a bad time of it on occasion, not to mention the lower caste groups who've been getting a bad time of it for untold centuries.

What does all this mean? Well when was the last time a group of "untouchables" made their way into the middle of Mumbai and tortured and murdered as many people as they could?

So having said that, a much better writer than me (Mark Steyn) has written an interesting article HERE about the attacks and the response to them.

In an interesting note, a few years ago there was an attack on a Jewish centre in Buenos Aires, of all places, by Muslims.

Something has to change, but the reality is that things never change until the problem is so great that you can't possibly avoid it any longer (think Britain and France pre WW2). What does this mean? Well you'd better start having lots of kids, because there maybe some SERIOUS military confrontations going on in 25 years or so, maybe even earlier.



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