Sunday, December 7, 2008


I was going to talk about Obama in relation to some other post (which has slipped away from me now) but I found this post on a discussion forum about Obama's victory and the ramifications it has for politics in the US, in particular his mobilisation of direct support as opposed to support from the Democratic Party.

The other thing, that they didn't mention, is that a lot of Obama's money may have been dirty. There's very simple procedures in place when recieving internet payments to ensure that identity is correctly verified. Obama instead went with a system of "Oh, if a find a problem later down the line we'll return the contribution", which is all well and good but extremely unlikely to happen.

Anyway, a lot of the consequences for US politics may happen here in Australia as well, although we're a Prime Ministerial rather than Presidential system (and I don't need crap about the constitution thankyou, I mean that Australia has evolved to a system where the Prime Minister controls the power on the basis of control of the legislature). KRudd certainly attracted a great deal of support in the last election but I wonder how much of that was just anti-Howard? His ridiculously high poll numbers would suggest that people actually do like him for some reason though.

Anyway, here's a link to the discussion post I was talking about.

Interesting stuff.


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