Sunday, December 7, 2008

How many roads must a man walk along, before you can call him a man?

The answer my friends, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind....

Somewhat like that lefty rag the Age, Fairfax's trusty mainstay in the Melbourne newspaper market.

Now I'll check out the Age website occasionally to read their footy stuff during the year, especially now that the Herald Sun have a new and stupider way to arrange their columnists on the website, but apart from that the Age is good for little more than lighting fires.

It's intensely politicised (way to the left of the spectrum), consistently runs opinion or biased pieces in their news and often just gets things plain wrong.

For anyone who cares about or is interested in newspapers at all, HERE is a very interesting editorial in the Australian explaining how a newspaper should be run if it is to make a profit and decrying the decline of Fairfax and newspapers around the country and the world in general. It's very interesting and it's spot on the money. There might be 110 million bloggers out there, but they're mostly unpaid hacks (like me) spouting opinion with little or no fact checking or research. If newspapers can't leverage that comparative advantage to be big online while continuing to sell hard copy papers as well, than they're doing something wrong.

Harry out!

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