Saturday, December 6, 2008

Make ME a supermodel...

Ok, well maybe not me, that would probably take too much work.

After watching a few of the episodes of Make Me a Supermodel this year, it seemed that there wasn't anything particularly special about most of the contestants. Tom and Rhys had class and charisma but most of the girls were gangly stick insects with weird faces, especially Shanina, who had the confidence and the attitude but a particularly unattractive face.

Now it might be shallow of me to mention another person's looks, but considering they're on a TV show which is based totally on how you look it seems like a fair comment.

The reason I bring this up is that tonight I was "The Ball", here in Wyndham. Don't really know the proper name, but it's basically a social event for all the young people (18 and less) to dress up and go out and dance and stuff. Similar to a school formal, but a much greater range of kids. They all turned up two hours late, but that's not the important bit.

There was one kid there in his grey suit who was just Mr Charisma. He oozed it just walking. On the parade to pick the best dressed he was just amazingly confident. And on the dance floor he took charge and made it all look effortless. Now I happen to know that this particular kid would make two short planks look like a supercomputer, but is that really a problem?

After all, when faced with a situation like this one above, surely too much thinking is just going to get in the way? And the reason we all laughed at Zoolander was, after all, the fact that it played up to stereotypes about models that already exist.

You're only there to be confident, have charisma and do what you're told, while being "really, really good looking".

And not only that, there's a few other kids up here (male and female) who would be at least as talented as most of the drones that managed to make it onto the show this year.

So what does all this mean? Buggered if I know.

Anyway, if there's any modelling agencies out there I'll be happy to spill all I know; for a finders fee!



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I am the Hiphopopotumus, my lyrics are bottomless......